Based in Brazil, artist Marcel Caram is heavily influenced by surrealism, creating digital illustrations meant to confuse, delight and inspire, through a mesmerizing amalgamation of juxtaposed colors and images that will look right at home in any space.
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Paisagem com Peixe (Landscape With Fish) by Marcel Caram
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O Pescador de Violão (The Guitar Fisherman) by Marcel Caram
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Pingos Coloridos (Colorful Drops)
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Barquinho em Repouso (Toy Boat At Rest) by Marcel Caram
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As Três Taças (The Three Cups) by Marcel Caram
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Um Homem na Noite (A Man In The Night) by Marcel Caram
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Lâmpadas na Floresta (Lamps In The Forest) by Marcel Caram
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Pássaro ao Luar (Bird Moonlight) by Marcel Caram
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A Bicicleta (The Bicycle) by Marcel Caram
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Lágrima (Tear) by Marcel Caram
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Cabeça Pensante II (Thinking Head II) by Marcel Caram
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Caveira de Perfil (Skull Profile)
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O Ensaio do Flautista (The Assay Flutist) by Marcel Caram
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Pastor com Rebanho (Shepherd With Flock) by Marcel Caram
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Vaso de Rosas (Rose Vase)
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Flautistas (Flutists) by Marcel Caram
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Drina // Marcel Caram
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O Colecionador de Xícaras (The Collector's Cups) // Marcel Caram
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Tesouras (Scissors) by Marcel Caram
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Ovo de Vidro (Glass Egg) // Marcel Caram
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A Arvore (The Tree)
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Equilibrio sobre a Garrafa (Balance On The Bottle)
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Homem na Cruz (Man On The Cross)
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Natureza Morta (Dead Nature) // Marcel Caram
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Rolhas (Corks) by Marcel Caram
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A Bota // The Boot // Marcel Caram
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A Garca (The Crane)
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A Grande Forma // The Great Shape // Marcel Caram
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Bule Sobre a Mesa (Teapot On Table)
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