Once revered as the guardians of Imperial Japan, the samurai enforce a tradition of honor, loyalty, and courage through skilled wielding of their sword. The samurai’s sword is said to contain his soul, which embodies the same deadly fluidity and strength that goes into each intricately crafted sword. The art of Japanese sword making is a skill mastered by very few swordsmiths and passed down by each generation for over a millennia. Blades Collection swords capture this timeless art form in each katana produced.
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Musha Damascus Shirasaya
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Musha Damascus Shirasaya
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Falcon // Tanto Fighting Knife
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Musashi Limited Edition Bamboo "Fast Cutter" Lightweight Katana Design by Paul Southren
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Damascus Folding Knife
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Musashi Fuji Katana
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The Griffin
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Musha 1060 Steel Oda Nobunaga Katana
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Musashi Duel Katana
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Musashi Silver Shirakawa Series // Dragonfly Katana
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Musashi Tora Katana
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Damascus Folding Knife // Clip, Sheepfoot + Spey
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The Immortals // Officially Licensed Replica // Hoplite Soldier
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